
Elixir of immortality deck
Elixir of immortality deck

Telomeres are the termini of chromosomes, defined in comparison to caps of shoelaces, and are subjected to shortening at each cycle of replication – where the DNA of chromosomes are copied and doubled to ensure the equal sharing of genetic material between daughter cells formed by mitosis. However there is a staunch foe to Hayflick's limit, a nemesis that can be found at the terminal buds of chromosomes and continues to prolong life by extending the chromosome ends or telomeres. The number of times a cell can divide before the curtains are drawn, is termed the Hayflick's limit, in honor of the scientist who discovered this biological inevitability. Biological aging, or senescence is tightly linked to the number of times a cell can divide before the cell death pathways, or apoptosis, is triggered by a cascade of proteins termed caspases. Death due to its myth and mystery, still baffles and constraints us, and there are many among us who are still trying to find the elixir of immortality or the fountain of youth, to prolong the wonder of life and the summer of youth. Just like heaven and hell, fire and ice, yin and yang, there is life and death, where one can be expressed as the counterpart of the other. Living although central to human existence, there is an equally complimentary event that defines the true experience of mortality – death. Life and love are interdependent, inescapable and interwoven, for at our final deathbed what matters is how intensely we have loved and whether we have truly lived. We all like to live long and love strong.

Elixir of immortality deck